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Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
Crashing and other problems in version or newer (15 replies)
crashes when loading a rar/zip comic on Windows 10 build 10547 ****fixed by Microsoft (12 replies)
Thank you for making Comics++ (11 replies)
Library instead of file browser (10 replies)
PDF comics not clear on Comics++ ****pdf scaling added as of (8 replies)
4K/HighDPI Support on Windows 10 Desktop (7 replies)
Some pages (at random) don't load at all (7 replies)
POLISH translation (6 replies)
Page displays incorrectly **** fixed as of (5 replies)
Any way to change file icons? (5 replies)
Scroll bar not coming up when swiping (5 replies)
WEBP support (4 replies)
Ver. does not respond keyboard page-down/up **** fixed as of (4 replies)
Request: Stop image blur when zoomed in **** auto downsize can be disabled in (4 replies)
Did something change in the touch navigation? (4 replies)
crashes when loading a rar/zip comic on Windows 10 build 10547 ****fixed by Microsoft (81,517 views)
Thank you for making Comics++ (73,707 views)
Crashing and other problems in version or newer (68,244 views)
Library instead of file browser (60,331 views)
PDF comics not clear on Comics++ ****pdf scaling added as of (47,550 views)
Comics++ (and previous crash hot fixes) Release Notes (43,106 views)
4K/HighDPI Support on Windows 10 Desktop (42,244 views)
POLISH translation (38,764 views)
Ver. does not respond keyboard page-down/up **** fixed as of (34,066 views)
Page displays incorrectly **** fixed as of (33,813 views)
Some pages (at random) don't load at all (31,169 views)
Request: Stop image blur when zoomed in **** auto downsize can be disabled in (30,257 views)
Any way to change file icons? (29,685 views)
FRENCH translation (29,241 views)
automatic border detection **** added in (28,358 views)